The idea about The Great Book of Bulgaria came as a natural result of our hundreds of travels related to the popularization of the Bulgarian lands and the awakening the insights of the human genius that had left numerous traces not only in the Bulgarian historical past but also on the vast stage of the European civilization. The earliest human habitation in Europe - the Kozarnika cave with artifacts from the human lifestyle dating back in 1,600,000, the emergence of the first graphical systems for storing and conveyance of Knowledge, the world's earliest processed gold, the oldest copper and gold mines in Europe, the creation of the Glagolitic and the Cyrillic alphabets and the Christianization of the Slavic peoples - all those have undoubtedly a Bulgarian address. The first proto-urban settlements established in the plains - impressive village mounds, over 20 meters tall -witness to the millennial development of a population that had settled and lived in one and the same place. Thanks to the favorable geographic conditions, activities such as agriculture, cattle breeding, mining, crafts, navigation and trade, made their first European steps on the Balkans…
За доставка използваме куриерски фирми Еконт и Спиди.
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